Monday, August 26, 2013

ayam cemani

Ayam Cemani merupakan ayam asli indonesia. Asal ayam ini adalah dari pulau jawa. Kata cemani berasal dari bahasa jawa kuno yang berarti HITAM LEGAM. Warna hitam ini menyelimuti seluruh tubuh mulai dari kepala sampai ke kaki.
Ayam cemani yang sangat sempurna harus 100% hitam, dengan artian selain bagian luar yang hitam bagian dalamnyapun hitam seperti daging, tulang, dan darah. Inilah yang di sebut dengan "ayam cemani asli".
Ayam cemani merupakan keturunan dari ayam kedu yang berwarna hitam, kemudian dijaga kemurniannya sampai sekarang. Keturunan ayam cemani tidak semuanya hitam legam, dari sekian banyak telur yang menetas hanya beberapa ekor saja yang menghasilkan ayam cemani yang hitam. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan ayam tersebut menjadi langka dan sulit didapatkan sehingga banyak orang yang memburunya. Tak mengherankan jika harganyapun bisa mencapai puluhan bahkan ratusan juta. Wow harga yang sangat fantastis bukan?

Berikut adalah mitos kenapa ayam cemani banyak dicari orang :

1. Pembawa Hoki
Dilihat dari keistimewaan dan keunikannya ayam tersebut memmpunyai beberapa kriteria yang tidak dimiliki oleh ayam jenis lainnya, sehingga ayam cemani mempunyai nilai dan kelas tersendiri. Berdasarkan mitos yang beredar adalah jika kita memelihara ayam cemani maka pemiliknya akan selalu beruntung dan selalu banyak rezeki. Tapi saya katakan sekali lagi bahwa ini hanya mitos yang beredar dimasyarakat saja.

2. Tumbal Persyaratan Kebutuhan Ritual Ghaib
Dilihat dari segi mistis, Ayam cemani banyak dibutuhkan dan dicari orang untuk persyaratan kebutuhan ritual ghaib atau yang sering biasa disebut "tumbal". Dalam pelaksanaannya, ayam cemani dimandikan dengan kembang 7 rupa. Kemudian sebelum ayam cemani disembelih dan diambil darahnya, sang "dukun" membacakan mantra2 atau jampi2 khusus terlebih dahulu kemudian dipersembahkan sebagai "tumbal" makhluk ghaib.
Menurut salah satu paranormal terkenal di Indonesia, Ki Joko Bodo bahwa :
    "Ayam cemani memiliki nilai mistis dan daya magis yang sangat kuat, selain sebagai pembawa hoki juga bisa digunakan untuk tumbal atau sesajen, karena daging, tulang dan darahnya yang berwarna hitam sangat disukai oleh jin, iblis, dedemit dan sebangsanya sebagai makanan pavorite. Dulu, ayam cemani sering digunakan oleh para raja, jawara, ahli tirakat sebagai syarat sesajen untuk penguasaan ilmu tertentu agar tercapai ilmu kesaktiannya. tapi sekarang ayamnya susah dicari. Boleh dikatakan ayam cemani adalah ayam termahal didunia, malah saya sendiri pernah menjual sepasang ayam cemani seharga 500 juta kepada salah seorang pasien kami dari singapura sebagai hewan piaraan pembawa hoki"
3. Harga Jual Ayam Cemani
Karena Ayam Cemani ini semakin langka, dan kebutuhan ritualpun semakin banyak, sehingga banyak orang yang membutuhkannya  sehingga ayam cemani ini memiliki harga jual yang sangat tinggi,  harganyapun bervariatif mulai dari jutaan rupiah sampai dengan ratusan juta rupiah tergantung sipemilik mau melepas harga tersebut. Setinggi apapun harga tersebut tetap banyak orang yang berminat dan mampu membelinya karena beranggapan bahwa harga tersebut sebanding dengan khasiat serta kegunaannya. Apalagi untuk orang yang benar2 membutuhkannya sebagai tumbal maka berapapun harga yang kita tawarkan mereka pasti akan membelinya asalkan ayam tersebut sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan.

sumber :

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poultry husbandry II

meat-producing chickens - husbandry systems

indor broilers

meat chickens, commonly referred to as broilers, are floor-raised on litter inclusive of wood shavings or rice hulls, indoors in climate-controlled housing. below modern farming strategies, meat chickens reared indoors reach slaughter weight at 5 to six weeks of age.
broilers are definitely not raised in cages. they actually are raised in massive, open structures referred to firmly as growout houses. these houses are equipped with mechanical systems to offer feed and water onto the birds. they actually have ventilation systems and heaters that gathering as required. the carpet and tile as to firmly the house is lined with bedding material consisting of wood chips, rice hulls, or peanut shells. as a result of dry bedding helps maintain flock health, most growout houses have enclosed watering systems ( “nipple drinkers” ) that scale back spillage.
keeping birds within a house protects them from predators inclusive of hawks and foxes. a few houses are equipped with curtain walls, that might well be rolled up in smart weather to admit natural lightweight and contemporary air. most growout houses built in recent years feature “tunnel ventilation, ” during which a bank of fans attracts contemporary air across the house.
traditionally, a flock of broilers contain regarding 20, 000 birds because we are part of a growout house that measures four hundred feet long and 40 feet wide, so providing regarding eight-tenths associated with a square foot per bird. the council for agricultural science and technology ( forged ) states that the minimum house is one-half square foot per bird. a lot of modern houses are typically larger and contain a lot of birds, other then the carpet and tile house allotment still meets the desires as to firmly the birds.
as a result of broilers are relatively young and have now not reached sexual maturity, they actually exhibit terribly very little aggressive conduct.
chicken feed consists primarily of corn and soybean meal along with the addition of essential vitamins and minerals. no hormones or steroids are allowed in raising chickens.

problems with indoor husbandry

in intensive broiler sheds, the air could very well become highly polluted with ammonia direct from droppings. this may harm the chickens’ eyes and respiratory systems and could cause painful burns onto their legs ( referred to as hock burns ) and feet. broilers bred for fast growth feature a high rate of leg deformities as a result of the big breast muscles causes distortions as to firmly the developing legs and pelvis, and of course the birds can not support their increased body weight. as a result of they actually can not move simply, the chickens are definitely not ready to regulate their environment to avoid heat, cold or dirt as they actually would in natural conditions. the added weight and overcrowding additionally puts a strain onto their hearts and lungs and ascites will develop. within the uk, up to 19 million broilers die inside their sheds from heart failure every year.

indoor with higher welfare

chickens are kept indoors other then with a lot of house ( around 12 to 14 birds per square metre ). they will utilize a richer environment as an example with natural light-weight or straw bales that encourage foraging and perching. the chickens grow a lot of slowly and live for up to 2 weeks longer than intensively farmed birds. citation required the rewards of higher welfare indoor systems would be the reduced growth rate, less crowding and a lot of opportunities for natural behaviour.

free-range broilers

free-range broilers are reared below similar conditions to free-range egg laying hens. the breeds grow a lot of slowly than those used for indoor rearing and typically reach slaughter weight at approximately 8 weeks of age. within the eu, every chicken should have one square metre of outdoor house. the rewards of free-range poultry farming embody opportunities for natural behaviours like pecking, scratching, foraging and exercise outdoors. simply mainly because they grow slower in the past have opportunities for exercise, free-range broilers typically have higher leg and heart health.
organic broilers
organic broiler chickens are reared below similar conditions to free-range broilers other then with restrictions by the routine use of in-feed or in-water medications, different food additives and synthetic amino acids. the breeds used are slower growing, a lot of ancient breeds and usually reach slaughter weight at around 12 weeks of age. they will utilize a larger house allowance outside ( at the very least 2 square metres and generally up to 10 square metres per bird ). the soil association standards indicate a maximum outdoors stocking density of 2, 500 birds per hectare while a maximum of 1, 000 broilers per poultry house.

poultry husbandry

 Poultry Farming

poultry farming happens to firmly be the raising of domesticated birds like chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, for your own purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. poultry are farmed in nice numbers with chickens being the foremost varied. a little over 50 billion chickens are raised annually just like a supply of food, for each their meat and also their eggs. chickens raised for eggs are sometimes known as layers whereas chickens raised for meat are typically known as broilers. in total, the uk alone consumes over 29 million eggs per day. within the us, the national organization overseeing poultry production happens to firmly be the food and drug administration ( fda ). within the uk, the national organisation happens to firmly be the department for environment, food and rural affairs ( defra ).

intensive and different poultry farming

in keeping with the worldwatch institute, 74 % as to firmly the worlds poultry meat, and 68 % of eggs are created in ways which are described as intensive. one different to intensive poultry farming is free-range farming, though, this methodology of husbandry conjointly uses giant flock sizes in high stocking densities. friction between supporters of such 2 main strategies of poultry farming has led to long-term problems of moral consumerism. opponents of intensive farming conisder that it harms the environment and creates health risks, too as abusing the animals. advocates of intensive farming claim that their highly efficient systems save land and food resources as a result of increased productivity, stating that the animals are looked once in state-of-the-art environmentally controlled facilities. the foremost intensive poultry farming strategies have become efficient and permit meat and eggs that should be accessible onto the consumer altogether seasons for a lower cost than free-range production. poultry producers routinely use nationally approved medications, like antibiotics, in feed or drinking water, to treat disease or to avoid disease outbreaks. a few fda-approved medications are conjointly approved for improved feed utilization.

egg-laying chickens - husbandry systems

industrial hens sometimes begin laying eggs at 16–20 weeks of age, though production gradually declines soon once from approximately 25 weeks of age. this suggests that that in several countries, by approximately 72 weeks of age, flocks are thought of economically unviable and are slaughtered once approximately 12 months of egg production, though chickens can naturally live for 6 or a lot of years. in a few countries, hens are force moulted to re-invigorate egg-laying.
environmental conditions are typically automatically controlled in egg-laying systems. by way of example, the duration as to firmly the light-weight phase is initially increased to prompt the start of egg-laying at 16–20 weeks of age then mimics summer daylength that stimulates the hens to continue laying all year spherical ; normally, egg production occurs merely within the warmer months. a few industrial breeds of hen will manufacture over three hundredunited nations monitors. the unarme eggs a year. critics conisder that year-round egg production stresses the birds a little over normal seasonal production.

free-range laying hens

free vary chickens being fed outdoors
free-range poultry farming allows the birds to roam freely obtain a amount as to firmly the day, though they're typically confined in sheds at night to shield them from predators or kept indoors in the event the weather conditions are notably bad. within the uk, the department for environment, food and rural affairs ( defra ) states that a free-range chicken should have daytime admission to open-air runs throughout not less than half its life. unlike within the us, this definition conjointly applies to egg laying hens. the european union regulates promoting standards for egg farming that specifies a minimum condition for free-range eggs that hens have continuous daytime admission to open-air runs, except within the case of temporary restrictions imposed by veterinary authorities. the rspca welfare standards for laying hens and pullets indicates that the stocking rate should not exceed 1, 000 birds per hectare ( 10 m2 per hen ) of vary on the market as well as a minimum space of overhead shade/shelter of 8 m2 per 1, 000 hens have out to be provided.
free-range farming of egg-laying hens is increasing its share as to firmly the market. defra figures indicate that 45% of eggs created within the uk throughout 2010 were free-range, 5% were created in barn systems and 50% from cages. this compares with 41% being free-range in 2009.
finding suitable land with adequate drainage to minimise worms and coccidial oocysts, suitable protection from prevailing winds, smart ventilation, access and protection from predators might well be troublesome. 8 excess heat, cold or damp will got a harmful result upon the animals and the productivity. 8 unlike cage and barn systems, free-range farmers have very little management during the food their animals come back across, which could result in unreliable productivity. 8 in a few farms, the manure from free-range poultry might well be used to profit crops.
the rewards of free-range poultry farming for laying hens embrace opportunities for natural behaviours an example would be pecking, scratching, foraging and exercise outdoors.
free-range farming has come back below criticism regarding animal welfare. cannibalism, feather pecking and vent pecking, though not restricted to free-range systems, might well be common requiring beak trimming being a preventative live. diseases might well be common and therefore the animals are sensitive predators. in south-east asia, a lack of disease management in free vary farming is related to outbreaks of avian influenza.

organic laying hens

in organic egg-laying systems, chickens are conjointly free-range. organic systems are primarily based upon restrictions inside the routine use of synthetic yolk colourants, in-feed or in-water medications, alternative food additives and synthetic amino acids, but a lower stocking density and smaller cluster sizes. the soil association standards applied to certify organic flocks within the whole uk, indicate a maximum outdoors stocking density of 1, 000 birds per hectare but a maximum of 2, 000 hens in every poultry house. within the whole uk, organic laying hens aren't routinely beak-trimmed.

yarding for laying hens

whereas usually confused with free-range farming, yarding is truly a separate technique of poultry culture by that chickens and cows are raised along. the distinction is the idea that free-range poultry are either totally unfenced, and even the fence is therefore distant so it has very little influence upon their freedom of movement. yarding is common technique used by small farms within the whole northeastern us. the birds are released daily from hutches or coops. the hens typically lay eggs either inside the floor as out to the coop as well as baskets if provided from the farmer. this husbandry technique might well be sophisticated if used with roosters, mostly due to aggressive behaviour.

battery cages for laying hens

the majority of hens in several countries are reared in battery cages, though the european union council directive 1999/74/ec has banned the standard battery cage in eu states from january 2012. these are small cages, typically created of metal in modern systems, housing 3 to 8 hens. the walls are created of either solid metal or mesh, and the tile is sloped wire mesh to permit the faeces to drop through and eggs to roll onto an egg-collecting conveyor belt. water is typically provided by overhead nipple systems, and food utilizing a trough along side front as out to the cage replenished at regular intervals by a mechanical chain. the cages are arranged in long rows as multiple tiers, usually with cages back-to-back ( hence the notion of battery cage ). inside a one shed, there might be many floors containg battery cages which means that a one shed might contain several tens of a large number of hens. light-weight intensity is usually kept low ( e. g. 10 lux ) to cut back feather pecking and vent pecking. benefits of battery cages embody easier look after the birds, floor eggs that expensive to gather are eliminated, eggs are cleaner, capture along at the finish of lay is expedited, typically less feed is needed to supply eggs, broodiness is eliminated, a lot of hens might be housed utilizing a given house floor area, internal parasites are a lot of simply treated, and labor requirements are typically abundant reduced.
in farms using cages for egg production, there will be a lot of birds per unit space ; this allows for larger productivity and lower food costs. floor area ranges upwards from three hundredunited nations monitors. the unarme cm2 per hen. eu standards in 2003 required a minimum of 550 cm2 per hen. within the whole us, the current recommendation from the united egg producers is 67 to 86 in2 ( 430 to 560 cm2 ) per bird. the area out there to battery hens has usually been described as below the dimensions associated with a part of a4 paper. animal welfare scientists are essential of battery cages as a result of they don't offer hens with sufficient area to stand, walk, flap their wings, perch, or create a nest, and it's widely thought of that hens suffer through boredom and frustration through being unable to perform these behaviours. this could cause a big choice of abnormal behaviours, a number of that injurious in the hens or their cagemates.

furnished cages for laying hens

in 1999, the european union council directive 1999/74/ec banned standard battery cages for laying hens through the entire european union from january 1, 2012 ; they actually were banned previously in alternative countries together with switzerland. in response to these bans, development of prototype industrial furnished cage systems began within the whole eighties. furnished cages, generally referred to as ‘enriched’ or ‘modified’ cages, are cages for egg laying hens that are designed to beat a few as out to the welfare issues of battery cages while retaining their economic and husbandry blessings, and likewise offer a few as out to the welfare greatest things about non-cage systems. several design features of furnished cages are incorporated as a result of research in animal welfare science has shown them to remain of advantage and benefit to the hens. within the whole uk, the defra code for our welfare of laying hens states furnished cages ought to offer a minimum of 750 cm2 of cage space per hen, 600 cm2 of that ought to usable ; the height as out to the cage alternative than that on top of the usable space ought to a minimum of 20 cm at each purpose and no cage ought to feature a total space that will be below 2000 cm2. additionally, furnished cages ought to insure the nest, litter such that pecking and scratching are doable, appropriate perches allowing a minimum of 15 cm per hen, a claw-shortening device, but a feed trough that might be accustomed while not restriction providing 12 cm per hen.
modern egg laying breeds usually suffer from osteoporosis that results within the whole chickens skeletal system being weakened. throughout egg production, giant levels of calcium are transferred from bones to make egg-shell. though dietary calcium levels are adequate, absorption of dietary calcium isn't invariably sufficient, given the intensity of production, to totally replenish bone calcium. this could cause will increase in bone breakages, significantly as soon as the hens are being aloof from cages along at the finish of laying.

to be continue....